Finlandia: Wind Orchestra Score and Parts: Sibelius / Isamu Tachihara
この商品は、ダウンロード販売です。 2019年に催された埼玉県立春日部高等学校120周年記念式典のために編曲された作品。 吹奏楽と歌(ソプラノ・テナー・男声合唱)という編成で書かれているが、歌はオプションなため、省略可。 シベリウス作曲/立原勇編曲 This product is available for download. A work arranged for the 120th anniversary ceremony of Saitama Prefectural Kasukabe High School held in 2019. It is written in a brass band and a song (soprano, tenor, male chorus), but the song is optional and can be omitted. Sibelius (Composition) / Isamu Tachihara (Arrangement)
流れ止まぬ川のよう(混声4部合唱)Like a river that doesn't stop flowing (mixed chorus of 4 parts)
幼少時代を二つの川が流れる町で過ごし、川にノスタルジーを重ねた作品。 立原勇作詞・作曲 A work in which he spent his childhood in a town with two rivers and nostalgia on the rivers. Isamu Tachihara Lyrics and composition
流れ止まぬ川のよう(女声3部合唱)Like a river that doesn't stop flowing (female voice three-part chorus)
A work in which he spent his childhood in a town with two rivers and nostalgia on the rivers. Isamu Tachihara Lyrics and composition